
Transforming shelf in solidworks

30 4 Beginner
Transforming shelf in solidworks

DIY Laser Engraver

18 3 Beginner
The DIY Laser Engraver is a simple tutorial, that shows you how to build your own fully operational Laser engraver. It's an Arduino Uno based model, that can learn you many things about electronics and mechanical engineering. Through the Laser you can engrave wood and some plastics. Be careful and use eye-protection, it is dangerous to use lasers.

DIY 3D Printer

11 1 Intermediate
Making a 3D printer

Kant-Twist Clamp

3 2 Beginner
There are 11 parts in the model. The steps have been shown using detailed screenshots and final assembly is shown using screen recorded video. All the steps are very easy to follow. You can find the model in this link https://grabcad.com/library/kant-twist-clamp-11 The tutorial playlist is also available on youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8YLj7XoSQIchQ9qTcyQTnW5YHhsZfH8f

How to make a Powerful Wind Turbine with Acrylic Sheets and 12 Volt DC Motor|DIY Project

3 0 Beginner
In this video you will learn how you can use acrylic sheets to build your own 100 Watts windmill. I will use laser cutting machine to cut blades of the turbine. I have used a 12 volt dc motor from car radiator fan as a generator with some modifications. how to modify DC motor to use it as generator watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GU2AD4sEkI

Creating a Seal Stamp from Layout to 3-D Model to 3D Print

2 0 Intermediate
A seal stamp is a tool that is pressed onto a soft surface with a goal of transferring whatever mark/design that it acquires. (see links below) Creation Process: https://youtu.be/mInxvAHRIwc

How to Make Working Model of Mini Turbine|DIY 3D Printing

1 0 Expert
In this video you will learn how to build a working model of 3D printed mini turbine of 30W. I will use garden pipe to run this turbine. 8 number of LED panels will glow from the electricity generated from this turbine.

Minimalist Wall Mounts

1 1 Beginner
Hello! im Álvaro Fernández, an artist by heart and a engineer by trade. Im from Concón, a quiet beach city in Chile. In this tutorial Im going to teach you how I make the minimalist stl file I post on this site. Its a begginer tutorial, I encourage to all to try it! you can acomplish it. I use: A pencil. Paper. Rhinoceros 6

DIY projects design to value-Make to Market

0 0 Expert
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzUD7NPRnoJ4sxHQm3n6R8Q?view_as=subscriber- Step by Step tutorials of systems ,cad modeling and cam programming

SolidWorks Tutorial: Automotive Rim

0 0 Intermediate
Tutorial here:


0 0 Intermediate
We will learn how to model parts for a can crusher. This can crusher will press the can in and out of the hole at the bottom. It will be easier for you because this can crusher uses a rotating handle to operate. Combine with large feeders, so you don’t have to put one after the other to crush them.

Model a 3D-Printed DIY Coronavirus Face Mask Respirator in Fusion 360. Homemade Mask Filter Tutorial

0 0 Expert
#Coronavirus #Covid19 #FaceMask DISCLAIMER: This video and mask is for entertainment purposes only and is not proven to cure or prevent any virus, disease, disorder etc. Watch and wear mask at your own risk. #3DPrintedFacemask #3DPrinting #3DPrintedMask #3DPrintedCoronavirusMask Let's start off by starting a sketch on the top plane I'm going to come over here to the right to my view cube and I'm going to be looking at the top plane and I'm going to select the XZ plane....