
[VIDEO] Topology Optimization on a Bracket

9 3 Beginner
Hello Everyone, This new video is an introduction to Topology Optimization on the 3DExperience Release 19x. Functional Generative Design application brings the best of CATIA (design) and SIMULIA (topology optimization) in order for you to create light and robust parts. This video will show you the entire topology optimization process on a aluminium bracket that can handle 500N (50kg). You will see how to create a design space and add the functional regions. Then you will create a mesh, add loads and constraints and run a structural simulation. After that you will setup the topology optimization parameters and run the job. The result will be a lighter version of the part. you can run another simulation to validate the result. The organic geometry will be automatically generated. This result can be used for 3D Printed. However if you do not have a 3D Printer, it is also possible to generate a prismatic solid based on machining rules. Hope you will enjoy this video! Find the 3D Model on this GrabCad link: https://grabcad.com/library/topology-optimization-brackets-1 Please Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe :D

Solid Mesh Partitioning SIMULIA 3DExperience R19x

3 0 Beginner
https://youtu.be/dnP31eBoB4g Hello All! Today I present you a SIMULIA 3DExperience R19x Tutorial! You will first design a pipe using CATIA. Then copy you will insert abstraction shape to copy the original part. The partitioning will be performed in the abstraction shape. We will add material and then apply a quad-dominant mesh to our part.

Surface Mesh Partitioning SIMULIA 3DExperience

2 0 Beginner
https://youtu.be/P2kIKmlpzbo Hello Hello! Here is another video about SIMULIA 3DExperience R19x! 2 weeks ago I published a tutorial for SOLID meshing in SIMULIA Application (https://youtu.be/dnP31eBoB4g). So this time it will be about SURFACE meshing. It is a bit different because the partitioning will be performed on Generative Shape Design with the feature split. You will copy the original design in the abstraction shape and apply a material to the 3DPart. Then you will finish by applying the mesh to the surface by using the constraint lines previously created from the split. Do no hesitate to add comments or send me message about new topics for instance! Please subscribe and visit our website: http://www.plm-technology.com/ Use Captions and Enjoy :)

[VIDEO] Web Dashboard Organization - 3DXP R2020x Cloud

2 0 Beginner
Hello 3DExperience Fans! The 3DExperience can be accesses on two levels, using a Web Interface for administrative work, or the Rich Client for content development. This video is an introduction to the Web Interface. You will see how to organize different dashboards by adding web applications. You can access to the 3DExperience’s web interface on your favorite web-browser even on lightweight devices such as tablets. You can use it for data management: Lifecycle, Bill of Material, classification, etc. Review product content (CAD/CAE/CAM) within the browser using the 3Dviewer. Accelerate collaboration: explain news ideas through social dashboarding, funnel ideas, etc. Supervise your company’s workflow with metric reader. Organize your projects creating planning and assigning tasks to the different actors. Unify all the different disciplines in your company, everybody can access the same level of information. It is possible to give restricted access to customers/employees. ** Feel free to organize these dashboards as you want. This is just an introduction to what you can do on the Web Interface. Each application is powerful and could have a tutorial ** Please like, comment, share and subscribe 😊

[VIDEO] Remove Fillets for FEM - SIMULIA/CATIA 3DEXP

1 0 Beginner
Dear all, In this new tutorial, you will learn 3 different methods for removing 3 different fillets. This video is dedicated for those who works with Simulation like FEM analyst, but also Designer that prepare 3D Models.

[VIDEO] Plastic Injection Filling 3DExperience

1 0 Beginner
Here is an example that illustrates the power of the 3DExperience 16X! The 3D model (plastic part) is designed in CATIA Part Design and the plastic injection is simulated in SIMULIA Platic Part Filling. Everything is done on only one platform: the 3DExperience

Structural Analysis Blade

1 0 Beginner
Here is a video that shows you the steps to run a simulation on the 3DExperience. From creating a 2D mesh, apply constraints an loads to simulate the scenario. The 3D model is designed in CATIA Generative Shape Design and simulated in SIMULIA Structural Scenario.

Compression Spring (design and simulation)

1 0 Beginner
Here is a video showing you in less than 10 minutes how you can design a parametric model of a compression spring and run a quick structural simulation on it, in the 3DExperience on Cloud!

Wind load with Eiffel Tower in #Simulia #xFlow #paris

0 0 Expert

SIMULIA 3DEXPERIENCE - Static Structural Analysis of Buckle Clip

0 0 Expert