
Tutorial how to connect wing with fuselage in a WWII type aircraft in SolidWorks?

11 1 Beginner
In this example, we start with an custom design WWII type fighter aircraft which has a commonly used geometry of its fuselage. Techniques may vary depending on the geometry being worked on. However, this model could be useful for ones related with aircraft modeling.

(VIDEO TUTORIAL) MECHANICAL BIRD Design in UNIGRAPHICS | Flapping wing mechanism design

11 0 Expert
When a bird flaps, as opposed to gliding, its wings continue to develop lift as before, but the lift is rotated forward to provide thrust, which counteracts drag and increases its speed, which has the effect of also increasing lift to counteract its weight, allowing it to maintain height or to climb

How to model an aerofoil using coordinates in Solidworks?

6 0 Beginner
Here goes the answer: :

Aircraft Wing NACA4412 Tutorial Aerospace

5 0 Intermediate
Designed a Aerofoil shaped Wing of an Aircraft using points generated from excel sheet. Its 4K video that helps one to get the accurate content for desiging the parts..! The main motto is to develop the skills of Engineers. Aircraft Wing NACA4412 Tutorial Link :: https://youtu.be/3mKKGCEO-z4

how create aircraft swept back wing in solidworks

5 0 Intermediate
creating aircraft swept back wing in solidworks16

Designing an Airfoil

4 1 Beginner
Designing an Airfoil in Fusion 360, By importing DAT files into fusion 360

Anhedral Swept Back Wing CATIA V5

4 0 Beginner
Easy and elegant Anhedral Swept Back wing. link to video https://youtu.be/aqZQX8Eb6wk

How to use the NACA airfoil data profile

4 2 Intermediate
usin the direct entery way to deal with NACA airfoil data profile is a nightmare so this is a better and more efficient way to to the job.

Swept Back Eppler 423 | Dihedral Wing | Import form Excel Sheet | Aerospace | CATIA V5 R20 Beginners

3 0 Beginner
Happy Learning Folks, This time I designed an Eppler 423 Wing of an Aircraft, with Swept Back Angle of 30 degrees, with a Dihedral angle for the stability of the wing. Also, trying the minimize the process and ease the work by implementing easy kinds of stuff. I hope you guys are doing good. God bless you all. I appreciate your efforts and input into your work. CATIA is the best tool for designing if you want to download the software please download it from the link below. Go and check my Grab CAD account where I post my all designs and work. You can download this design from that site. My vision is to make every engineer an skillful engineer.

modeling of wing in catia

2 0 Intermediate
Hi friend, good afternoon, Hope you are having a good day, I am attaching you some tips to you, hope my comments, had helped you. If you have some doubts or comments just let us know. have a good day,

Projected Curve and how to use it to Design Aircraft Wing SolidWorks Tutorial

2 0 Expert
What is Projected Curve in solidworks and how to make it, how to to use projected curve to design airplane wing.

How to import an airfoil into SolidWorks onto the XY plane.

2 1 Beginner
Importing an airfoil into SolidWorks onto the XY plane.

Wing Screws | Solidworks Tutorials

2 1 Beginner
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaeuVGxeMNA

modeling of wing in catia

1 0 Intermediate
Hello the reason that your sketches wont let you create a pad is because the you have a point in your sketch, simply make this point into a constrution point and you will be ready to pad (See Images)

How to create Boeing 737 NG wing with winglets

0 0 Beginner
Follow my very first video tutorial on youtube , from start till last to make a 3D model of boeing 737 NG Aircraft wing using Autodesk Fusion 360.