
How do i add thickness to a polyline in Rhinoceros 3D

1 1 Intermediate
hi https://grabcad.com/mark.goody-2, following picture can guide you to add thickness to any curves by adding few simple steps while modelling.

Filling basic 6-sided holes in Rhino (ver. 2)

1 0 Intermediate
This tutorial shows how to fill a 6-sided hole surrounded by simple planar surface transitions in Rhino.

Blend surface - Advanced Planar sections (tutorial 1)

1 0 Beginner
Blend surface with advanced "Planar sections" option

video bat beisball Rhinoceros tutorial Desing intro de Los Simpsons (jajaj) model 3d space travel

1 0 Intermediate
A video where I model a baseball bat for a brand design contest. The Simpsons provide the introduction and the rest is a journey through digital cyberspace Jaja. I hope you like it! Hug! Un video donde modelo un bate de béisbol para un concurso del diseño de una marca. Los Simpson aportan la introducción y lo demás es un viaje por el ciberespacio digital Jaja. Espero les guste! Abrazo!


1 1 Beginner
Rhino introduced the SubD command bar in releases 6 and 7. If you still have the previous releases (4-5) one solution I've experimented with is to bundle Rhino 5 with free art modeling software. Even though I have the Rhino 7 release, I can't load it on one of old laptop of mine, so I tried SCULPTRIS, freely downloadable from the web: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sculptris Files can be exchanged in .OBJ. One limitation of Sculptris is that it sometimes has difficulty importing complex objects. Another limitation of Sculptris is that the starting object to be modeled is a sphere, when instead it would be preferable to start from a cube. This is only a starting free solution, which can be implemented with other more complete artistic software.

Filling basic 6-sided holes in Rhino (ver. 3)

1 0 Beginner
This tutorial shows how to fill a 6-sided hole surrounded by simple planar surface transitions in Rhino.

Loft magic

1 0 Beginner
When it comes to organic NURBS shapes like that, nothing can beat the quality, simplicity and History-enabled modification that Loft with the “Loose” option provides. A good practice is to use profile curves with the same degree and amount of control points. I started by creating the round base by using the Circle command with the “Deformable” option and 8 control points. Then, I simply copied it a few times and modified each one individually by moving its control points in the desired location. I also used Scale 3D and Scale 1D to adjust the overall size of each profile curve. As I moved or modified each intermediate curve, the History-enabled Loft surface updated in real-time, thus it let me decide what changes I needed to make to achieve the desired shape. NOTE: In this example initially I used the “Normal” option of Loft, which is not a good way to do the shape. The video capture was interrupted for some reason and stopped far earlier, so you will not see how I then deleted the loft surface and create

Import *.STL files at their true scale size in BLENDER

1 0 Beginner
Blender imports STL files at a 0.001 scale because the STL file format does not specify units. This means that the size of an object in an STL file is arbitrary, and it is up to the software that is importing the file to determine the scale. Blender, by default, imports STL files as if they are in meters, which means that a 1 unit cube in an STL file will be imported into Blender as a 1 meter cube. To import an STL file at a different scale, you can use the "Scale" option in the import dialog.


1 0 Expert
Simple and easy process of 3D modeling and rendering of interior decoration. This can be used as a centerpiece, and also for adding grace to decoration.

Loft to simulate a full round fillet between 3 surfaces

1 0 Beginner
In cases where 3 surfaces meet together and the goal is to create a full round fillet in-between, the top surface could be used to extract an isocurve that’s then used as a middle profile for a “Loft surface”. The two main vertical surfaces are shortened by the amount of approximate radius (in this example, the radius is 5 mm, because the two main surfaces are 10 mm far from each other) and set to tangent start and end for the loft operation. That would maintain the desired top limit for the rounded surface, though it will not produce a true radius fillet.

Match surfaces manually

1 0 Intermediate
One disturbing issue with "Match surface" is that it will try to transfer the 1st and 2nd row of control points to the target edge while keeping the distances between them relatively unchanged. This is usually great for the majority of users, because it's predictable and even usable in specific cases. However, there must be an option to "unclock" the aforementioned correlation between the 1st and 2nd row of control points and instead let "Match surface" adopt the same distances as the target control points. With that option turned on, the surface to be matched will become perfectly matched to the target one. To demonstrate the HUGE advantage of a potential "Adopt" option that I just described, here is a simple way to achieve the necessary correlation between the 1st and 2nd row of control points by "mirroring" the distances from the target surface to the opposite one. Lets hope that "McNeel" will consider adding such an option in the future releases of Rhino.

Blend surface - Advanced Planar sections (tutorial 2)

1 0 Beginner
Blend surface with advanced "Planar sections" option

Editable tween curve on surface or polysurface

1 0 Beginner
History in Rhino 7 must be turned on, in order for the modifications on the input surfaces to affect the output tween surface and its corresponding curve intersection. The latter could be further simplified via the "! _RemoveMultiKnot" command, though that will destroy the history and also may cause the curve to no longer sit perfectly accurate on the surface/polysurface.

Super ring tutorial

1 0 Beginner
Modeling tutorial for creating a ring in Rhino 7 with a single, history-enabled editable lofted surface.