
3D Modeling of a Braitenberg Vehicle in 4 Steps using Autodesk 123D Design

2 0 Intermediate
This tutorial is suitable for designers who have a basic knowledge of using the open source product Autodesk 123D Design. The steps to build a Breitenberg vehicle are as follows: 1. Modeling a wheel: a cylinder with a diameter of 2 cm and a height of 0.5 cm is placed in the workspace. Drill a hole in it by drawing a circle with a diameter of 0.3 cm and extruding - 0.5 cm with the Extrude tool. We soften the edges of the cylinder with Fillet Radius: 0.5. 2. Clone the wheel: rotate the resulting wheel 90° along the Z axis and copy it with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. 3. Modeling the vehicle body: regarding the design of the vehicle body, there are various options. In this case the author models a classic vehicle, which is most often shown in the bibliographic sources. After drawing and extruding a surface with the desired shape we apply Fillet with radius 35 on the back edge and with 30 on the front edge for a contemporary design (i could provide more images if it is needed). On the selected side edges we successively apply Fillet with a radius of 9. 4. Make a special place for the sensor: it is necessary to select the square plane that is located in the middle of the case and successively apply Sketch > Project, Sketch > Offset and Construct > Extrude with a negative value.

Tutorial: Circular Welded Helical Spring

2 0 Beginner
Now Here is the solution to this problem.. Download Model: http://grabcad.com/library/circular-helical-spring

Tutorial - Modeling rope in Creo Elements aka Pro/E

1 0 Beginner
For making simple bended rope we have to follow these steps. 1 Make 4 cylinderical extrusions. 2 Twist them. 3 Bend them.

Rotational Blend in Creo-Parametric 1.0

1 0 Beginner
Here's d Answer

Tutorial - Modeling Bolt with terminating thread in Creo Elements aka Pro/E?

1 0 Beginner
Here is the tutorial.

Tutorial - Modeling Drill bit in Creo Elements Pro aka Pro/Engineer Wildfire?

1 1 Beginner
Here is the tutorial.

Tutorial - Modeling Twisted cutter in Creo Elements aka Pro/E?

1 0 Beginner
Here is the tutorial.

could anyone explain me about make flexible option in Pro E assembly ??

1 0 Beginner
Please see the tutorial

Tutorial - Creating Conic surfaces using shoulder curves in Creo Elements/Pro aka Pro Engineer Wildfire?

1 0 Beginner
Here is the Tutorial.

Sweep Command in Creo Parametric 1.0

1 0 Beginner
Here's the Answer

how to create bom in pro-e 5.0

1 0 Beginner
Creating bom in pro e 5 is easy. Manual creation of bom is shown is the tutorial.

Weight calculation in ProEngineer?

1 0 Beginner
After creating the model in default unit system follow the steps.

How to add exploded view in drawing?

1 0 Beginner
Here is Tutorial!!!!!!!!!

How to create a CAM profile using relations in pro-Engineer/Creo-parametric?

1 1 Beginner
Here's the answer... p.s.In the step-14 I 'd have changed the dimension to 50mm...so please implement it in the 6-th step also...instead of 40mm ,change it to 50mm

Tutorial - Helical Sweep in Creo Elements/Pro aka Pro Engineer Wildfire?

1 0 Beginner
Here is the tutorial.