
Basic Tutorial for AutoCAD

28 3 Intermediate
This Tutorial will give you idea about basic introduction about AutoCAD, user guide tutorial for tools, best practices, applications. This tutorial is the web series for basic AutoCAD so follow up for the next file. Hit like if it is useful.

Construction of a Dodecahedron

22 4 Intermediate
Some CAD software such as AutoCAD does not have all the geometric objects, in particular the famous Dodecahedron. A method simple drawdown in descriptive geometry.

How to 3D Print from Adobe Photoshop

16 0 Intermediate
Every sculpture, product, installation and building (successful and unsuccessful) starts with an idea. When it takes physical form, the designer gets valuable aesthetic and practical feedback. Here are some tips on when and how 3D printing can feed this process.

Параметризация модели через переменные в "Компас-3D"

13 0 Intermediate
Tutorial relevant for users "Kompas-3D". I don't know if they "Kompas-3D" is used in other countries, but I know "Kompas-3D" most popular in Russia, so further explanation will be in Russian. If you need English version, please comment tutorial, and I make translate. В данной заметке рассмотрено построение параметрической модели на примере корпуса микросхем типа QFP, модель строится в САПР «Компас-3D». Представленный ниже способ - лишь один из многих возможных. И я искренне надеюсь, что кому-то он поможет лучше разобраться 3D моделированием, а кто-то увидит, как оптимизировать процесс. Несмотря на то, что построение модели выполнялось в «Компас-3D», подобные механизмы могут присутствовать и в иных системах, так что возможно пригодится пользователям другого ПО. Описанный ниже способ предполагает наличие определенного навыка работы с 3D моделями, и не содержит подробного описания последовательностей нажатия клавиш, скорее описана методика построения и взаимосвязь объектов.

AutoCAD | 3D Part and 3D Dimensioning

9 0 Intermediate
How to give dimensions on 3D part in AutoCAD.

Dynamic Block in Autocad

7 0 Intermediate
This tutorial demonstrate "How to create dynamic block for scaling of a circle"


6 0 Intermediate
3D in AutoCAD is quite difficult compared to other softwares here is a small tutorial of hook modelling in AutoCAD

3D Modeling and Animation of a Soldier in DAZ Studio - Part III

5 0 Intermediate
SCENE CREATION PROCESS: 1. Adding lighting: from Lights&Cameras. For example Distant Light. 2. Adding cameras: an example is shown in the figure in Step 2. 3. Adding a background image: from the Environment window, which opens with the button surrounded by a yellow frame or from Lights & Cameras. In Type, select Backdrop and click the button that appears in Background to add an image with Browse.

Create rectangular spring in AutoCAD

5 1 Intermediate
How to create rectangular spring in AutoCAD easy and faster. Command used: Line, fillet, join, helix, extrude, intersect, extractedges, circle, dan sweep. Enjoy this video!


5 0 Intermediate
Olá Pessoal! Sejam todos bem vindos ao meu vídeo curso de AutoCAD 3D. Essa é a minha primeira postagem referente ao curso de AutoCAD 3D é o meu primeiro vídeo curso sei que não esta 100% mais, nas próximas vídeo aulas prometo fazer uma melhor edição do vídeo! Bom, nesse vídeo dou uma pequena previa dos objetivos do curso, onde demonstro como modelar, texturizar e animar uma escada em espiral usando somente AutoCAD. Bom, espero que todos gostem! Criticas construtivas serão sempre bem recebidas. Obrigado Pessoal e até a próxima semana!

Convert STL to Solid Part | Reverse Engineering Exercise | Solid Edge 2022

4 0 Intermediate
In this video, we will practice reverse engineering to convert STL files into Solid Parts using Solid Edge. This video also contains troubleshooting problems found during the process. So make sure you don't miss the step-by-step. Reliable 3D Technology Services: https://evolusi3d.com/ Let's connected! LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/arsi-fathurrahman/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/arsi_fathur/ Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mas_arushi Thanks for watching! #reverseengineering #stltosolidpart #solidedge #3D scanner #convertstl #tutorialsolidedge

Modeling quadcopter MKI (#1 propeller)

4 0 Intermediate
Learn how to model quadcopter propeller on shaper 3d app For more tutorials follow my YouTube account

Nut M12x1,75

4 0 Intermediate
Tutorial to make 3D Nut in AutoCAD

Learn How to Remix and Customized 3D Models | Meshmixer Tutorial

3 2 Intermediate
Learn how to remix and customize 3D models with Meshmixer in this step-by-step tutorial. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, this video will show you all the tips and tricks you need to create unique and creative 3D designs. Follow along as we demonstrate how to use Meshmixer's powerful tools to manipulate and combine different models and export your final design for 3D printing or other applications. Whether you're looking to create something totally new or just want to give an existing model a fresh twist, this tutorial will have you remixing 3D models like a pro in no time!

Solid Edge import files with vertex colour

3 0 Intermediate
How to create and import files into Solid Edge with vertex colour. With this little tutorial, it is possible to import into Solid Edge (2020) files that had before texture and mesh. For this you need Mesh Lab, TCvis (Teamcenter) or PLMvis and Solid Edge (2020). In Mesh Lab you can import every file it can read and export it to WRL (VRML).