
Creativity in Engineering - Part 4 "CPDC results"

71 5 Beginner
Final list of proposals. Deadline for submissions: April 24 at 11:55 p.m. Added reflections and lessons learned and to be learned!

Creativity in engineering - Part 4 (English version)

56 0 Beginner
CPDC: Conceptual Postprocessing Divergent Convergent. This tutorial describes a relevant task within the conceptual engineering process that consists of post-processing the SSC (Spectrum of Solution Concepts) to understand and classify the solutions achieved, and deepen the learning of the problem. Its objective is to obtain new solutions, either by association of pre-existing ones, by the discovery of conceptual omissions or by a crisis of ideas and paradigms that induces the breaking of molds and the appearance of disruptive concepts. In order to properly contextualize this task, all the milestones of the conceptual stage are reviewed, highlighting the moment in which the CPDC is executed and glimpsing its relevance.

Working principles in conceptual engineering

52 0 Beginner
The following comments are based on an example (https://grabcad.com/library/g-train-1) that is in its early stages of conceptualization and that is not intended to focus on "the technical benefits of a solution" but on "the correct work methodology" in conceptual engineering, timely attending to aspects related to wealth/diversity/divergence of thought:

Principios de trabajo en ingeniería conceptual

50 0 Beginner
Los siguientes comentarios se basan sobre un ejemplo (https://grabcad.com/library/g-train-1) que se encuentra en sus primeras etapas de conceptualización y que no pretende enfocarse en "las bondades técnicas de una solución" sino en "la correcta metodología de trabajo" en ingeniería conceptual, atendiendo oportunamente aspectos relacionados a la riqueza/diversidad/divergencia de pensamiento:

Composite Theories: Howard Gruber

47 0 Expert
To seriously study creativity, it is useful to know something about the first scientific efforts to define and explain it, attributable to psychology.

Our working memory and its storage in sketches

44 0 Intermediate
Why so much insistence on low-level functional sketches? Because they are the ideal complement to the wonderful, but limited, working memory of our brain.

Psychoanalytics: Ernst Kris, Lawrence Kubie

44 0 Expert
To seriously study creativity, it is useful to know something about the first scientific efforts to define and explain it, attributable to psychology.

DOF in engineering problems (1)

44 4 Intermediate
A reflection on verbal and visual skills to take advantage of the "degrees of freedom (DOF)" present in engineering problem statements. To this end, some results of the challenge posed are used as an excuse to address these ideas: https://grabcad.com/groups/weekly-challenge-group/discussions/a-mechanism-to-move-the-green-orange-rectangle

DOF in engineering problems (2)

44 0 Intermediate
A reflection on verbal and visual skills to take advantage of the "degrees of freedom (DOF)" present in engineering problem statements. To this end, some results of the challenge posed are used as an excuse to address these ideas: https://grabcad.com/groups/weekly-challenge-group/discussions/a-mechanism-to-move-the-green-orange-rectangle

Teorías Asociativas: Sarnoff Mednick

43 0 Expert
Para estudiar seriamente la creatividad, conviene conocer algo sobre los primeros esfuerzos científicos por definirla y explicarla, atribuibles a la psicología.

Composite Theories: George Haslerud

43 0 Expert
To seriously study creativity, it is useful to know something about the first scientific efforts to define and explain it, attributable to psychology.

Theory of Creativity in Science: Busse & Mansfield

42 0 Expert
To seriously study creativity, it is useful to know something about the first scientific efforts to define and explain it, attributable to psychology.

Teoría de la Creatividad en la Ciencia: Busse & Mansfield

42 0 Expert
Para estudiar seriamente la creatividad, conviene conocer algo sobre los primeros esfuerzos científicos por definirla y explicarla, atribuibles a la psicología.

Teorías Gestálticas: Max Whertheimer

42 0 Expert
Para estudiar seriamente la creatividad, conviene conocer algo sobre los primeros esfuerzos científicos por definirla y explicarla, atribuibles a la psicología.

Associative Theories: Sarnoff Mednick

42 0 Expert
To seriously study creativity, it is useful to know something about the first scientific efforts to define and explain it, attributable to psychology.