
TUTORIAL: How to specify new profiles of welding structural members in SolidWorks?

8 1 Beginner
This is very easy to do, please follow me...

RIBS in CREO 3.0

7 0 Beginner
Ribs are considered to be a supporting face or a supporting solid for models, there are two types of ribs in creo.. 1. profile rib 2. trajectory rib in this tutorial video.. you'll get to know how to use tthem

How to model an aerofoil using coordinates in Solidworks?

6 0 Beginner
Here goes the answer: :

Profile with design table

5 7 Beginner
This is a tutorial requested by Iliya Panayotov. The objective is to create a steel profile with a design table with all dimensions

Axle Load in a Railway.

4 5 Beginner
General considerations about axle load in a railway and its importance in the design. Axle load is the weight on the two wheels joined by an axle. (static vertical load per axle); It is, basically, the total weight bearing on the track. If you have two wheels attached to an axle, with an AXLE LOAD P =225 kN, you have a load in each wheel of Q = P/2

How to use the NACA airfoil data profile

4 2 Intermediate
usin the direct entery way to deal with NACA airfoil data profile is a nightmare so this is a better and more efficient way to to the job.

How to make custom weldments in Solidworks

4 0 Beginner
How to make custom weldments in Solidworks. Draw own weldment and save to be able to use directly from weldments tab.

Saving a DXF as a weldment on solidworks

3 0 Beginner
A short video showing the simple process of making a DXF file into a usable weldment profile on solidworks. The video is short and assumes the user has watched the more in depth video on how to make a custom weldment: https://youtu.be/AW4U82xr1G4 prior to watching this video.


3 0 Beginner
This tutorial is to give you guys a better understanding of how to design a fan profile much effectively..


3 0 Beginner
Free Solidworks Video step by step Tutorial. This video tutorial how to use swept cut command with solid profile in solidworks. If this video is useful, support this channel to grow https://www.youtube.com/c/DesainCAD/videos By SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and COMMENT #solidworkstutorial​​ #sweptcut #solidprofile

How to use Swept Boss/Base Feature - SolidWorks Tutorial

2 0 Beginner
In this tutorial you will create swept part using Swept Boss/Base tool. 1.Click New. Click Part,OK. 2.Click Top Plane and click on Sketch. 3.Click Circle and sketch a circle origin as it center. Click Smart Dimension, dimension sketched circle diameter as your wish if you want 4.Exit Sketch. 5.Take a plane normal to spline end (or Click on Front Plane and click Sketch.) 6.Click on View Orientation-Normal To. 7.Zoom out the sketch, click on Spline and sketch a curve as sketched below. 8.Exit Sketch. 9.Click View Orientation--Isometric. 10. Click Features-Swept Boss/Base. For swept profile select Sketch1 (circle) and for path click on Sketch2 (curve). and . Done!


2 0 Expert
Telegram link - https://t.me/joinchat/jbCTJ5gDeCo3NWE1 Blog: https://www.cadcamtutorial.in/ We will learn the below features or commands in Solidworks. AllSketchTool SketchCondition UnderDefined FullyDefined OverDefined SketchExpert ExtrudeBoss ExtrudeCut RevolveBoss RevolveCut SweepBoss SweepCut PlaneCreation LoftedBoss LoftedCut HoleWizard Fillet chamfer TypesofPatterns #SolidWorksBeginnersTutorials​ #SolidWorksSketching​ #SolidWorksSurface​ #SolidWorksWeldments​ #SolidWorksAssembly​ #SolidWorksDrawing​ #SolidWorksSheetMetal​ #SolidWorksMoldDesign​ #SolidWorksSimulation​ #SolidWorksMotion Please Subscribe to our channel for more videos & projects in Solidworks & don't forget to hit like & share the videos, thanks for watching. Laptop Information Dell G3 3579 Core i5 8th Gen 15.6-inch FHD Item model number - G3 3579 Processor Type - Core i5 Processor Speed 2.3 GHz RAM Size - 16 GB Graphics Coprocessor - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 https://www.cadcamtutorial.i

Allen Screw ISO 4762 Metric Standards Equation Modeling in SolidWorks

2 0 Expert
Video Tutorial on Modeling ISO Metric Standard in SolidWorks. In this video we will model an M8 Screw ISO 4762 Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screw (Allen Screw) in SolidWorks using ISO Design Standards.

How to create Spur Gear in fusion 360

2 0 Beginner
How can we create fusion 360 in fusion 360. Terminology used for gear are as follows Module(m) =PCD/No. of teeth=10 No of teeth(N) =26 Addendum(add) = 10 mm Dedendum (Ded)= 1.125XADD=11.25 PCD = m X no. of teeth = 10X26=260 Outside dia= PCD+2Xadd = 260+20 =280mm Inside dia = PCD -2 X Ded = 260 -2 X11.25= 237.5 mm Circular pitch = π X PCD /N = π X 260/26=31.4mm Tooth thickness = CP/2= 31.4/2 = 15.7 mm Pressure Angle = 20 degree

T-FLEX CAD 17 - 3D Профили и Опорная геометрия

2 1 Beginner
Ролик демонстрирует работу с опорной геометрией - 3D Профилями, описывает их классификацию, типы параметризации, методы создания. Рассмотрены другие типы 3D элементов - рабочие плоскости, поверхности, 3D пути, 3D узлы и прочее.