
3D Printing Design Guidelines

205 16 Beginner
3D Printing Design Guidelines ~ 9 Steps to consider while design for 3d Printing.

How to 3D Print Jigs & Fixtures, Part 2: Designing for Print

55 6 Beginner
This is the second part of a four-part tutorial series on how to optimize your manufacturing jigs & fixtures for 3D printing. Today, we'll go over what to do in each design pass as you're optimizing your part, including specific steps to do in your CAD package, your print-preparation tool, and if you're bold, your FEA package. Later installments of this series will deal with FDM material selection and post-processing for jigs & fixtures.

Airplane propeller - ceiling lamp – 3D printed project

44 2 Intermediate
3D printed airplane propeller as a ceiling lamp (decoration). Project is not finished yet, bulb has to be added, some kind of holder, electricity...

Schleicher glider - 3D printed and painted

38 7 Intermediate
3D printed and painted Schleicher K7 glider model, step by step procedure.

How to 3D Print in Full Color (Part 1)

32 7 Beginner
This is a series of tutorials to help printer operators who are NOT graphic artists get the absolute most out of their multi-color, multi-material 3D printers, like the Stratasys J750. We will cover what types of files multi-color printers can accept and how to manipulate colors in Photoshop, Rhino, etc, to get the full gradient texture effects that most color printer users want.

How to Use the Stratasys AR App for the J55 3D Printer

28 3 Beginner
Stratasys unveiled the new J55 full-color 3D printer last month. We wanted to give designers and industry professionals a chance to see it for yourself -- wherever you are -- by offering this augmented reality experience.

Industrial/steampunk lamp with 3D printed parts

26 4 Intermediate
Industrial/steampunk lamp with 3D printed parts

Dialing in a filament and specifying the Max Volumetric E(xtrusion) value

23 3 Beginner
The purpose of this tutorial is to accompany a video I did for our students as to how to dial in a filament the video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kugqYO-Jang&t=130s

Best Practices for Working in KeyShot & GrabCAD Print

22 1 Expert
KeyShot 3D rendering software from Luxion Inc now seamlessly integrates with GrabCAD Print for a smooth and quick export of 3MF files. This new workflow allows designers to easily export 3MF files (that maintain color and texture data) from KeyShot into GrabCAD Print. In this tutorial guide, we’ll discuss best practices for when you’re working with KeyShot and GrabCAD Print.

STLs and 3D Printing for PolyJet

20 0 Beginner
This tutorial is the first part of our series about how to prepare and optimize settings for mesh file types supported by GrabCAD Print (GCP). The tutorial explains the building blocks of 3D printing with PolyJet. We will explain the conversion process from a CAD file to an STL file and how to optimize it to achieve the best print results possible. Future tutorials in this series will then explain more advanced types of files and operations.

Oil funnel for motorcycle

19 0 Intermediate

How to FDM Print for Part Sliding Clearance

13 4 Intermediate
If you are 3D printing parts that have to fit/slide together after printing, you will need to put some sort of clearance between those parts in your CAD system. A good starting place is a clearance 2x the layer height you are going to print at, but you should make a few smaller test prints at different clearances to see if the 2x layer height rule holds for your particular situation and orientation. Have fun and happy printing!

How to Insert a Z Pause in a Stratasys Printer

13 0 Intermediate
How do I use a Stratasys printer with multiple materials? Multiple colors? How do I add metal inserts in my 3D printed part? This tutorial explains how to use Stratasys software to insert pauses (Z-pause) during an FDM print job, to change materials, colors or to add metal inserts. Go to Step 1 for some documentation and examples of parts printed with Z Pause.

How to Paint an FDM Printed Part

12 2 Intermediate
This tutorial will teach you how to paint FDM parts. There are many reasons to paint 3D printed parts, whether it’s for UV protection, sealing or just to make them aesthetically pleasing.

How to 3D Print a Detailed & Accurate Model of the Earth

11 5 Expert
Learn how to create a realistic 3D textured model of the Earth using Rhino, GrabCAD Print and Stratasys 3D printers. I also review how to select the right part priority and how to test prints for the perfect color.